Is This Life a Show?

She's Started with an A
2 min readJan 12, 2023


The Truman Show (1998) by Dir. Peter Weir

Hi 2023, This is it.

Last year, I got some stuff I learned the hard way. One of which was realizing that indescribable feeling when listening to the first 10 seconds of my newly discovered song. Now, I think I also somewhat experience this in another medium. It’s about a film. That one film that’s finally there, serving you these familiar feelings you wish you could understand, deeper than just the after-watch euphoria.

The moment I finished watching The Truman Show (1998) tonight, I knew that I want these feelings to last for as long as I exist in this world that it’s going to change me & my outlook on life. (And guess who’s writing this while listening to the complete soundtrack? ahah! Me!)

I am in my most impulsive state that I must write all these grand ideas from this film that divinely spoke to me. Since I am still a bit overwhelmed by this incredible film, I would just jot some points that I found enlightening to me.

There is no playbook for happiness*.

When you think you’re doing things right even in the most rational fashion you could ever exhibit (especially regarding your life choices), unfortunately you might be fooled with the reality you’re in. *However: Conscience & Intuition are your true power. They’re innate, realer than your reality, natural, and you know what makes them way sexier? These are the force that you can control over your circumstance and/or misfortune.

Know Thyself

At the end of the day, just like Truman, we are the main character of our lives. When we know who we are and what we really want.. we are unstoppable! We won’t let others, not even our own fear rule how we live. Once we decide to brave out and write our own stories, things will fall into place for good.

Something as inevitable as death: Waking up from a mundane life that asks you, “Are YOU really alive?”

This is completely not your fault. Dream is destiny! Perhaps, dream exists to let us know it matters, as powerful as any type of thoughts that also live rent-free in our head. Be ready for the inward journey.

So…, is this life a show?

I’d rather make it a real life documentary.

P.s (This post is going to evolve from time to time as I will forever cherish these indescribable feelings towards this life-changing film. Until then, in case I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!)



She's Started with an A

A casual discourse of an early 20s wishful avant-garde wordsmith.